An enthusiastic crowd at the Occupy Wall Street demonstration event held at Washington Square Park on October 8th. OWS made a video about how General Assembly function. This one in the park was an exceptionally large assembly where the process of consensus was displayed. In the video, unbeknownst to Bob Lee he was video taped and became part of the beginning and conclusion of the tape.
One of the signs at Zuccotti Park. Naomi Klein, the author of the "Shock Doctrine" said in a radio interview on WNYC on October 6th that once she saw a poster from OWS that read "I care about you", she knew that people there were going deep. That this occupation was not only about important issues, but it was about changing the underline culture of our society. This poster, "Compassion Is Revolution", reflecting a key Asian value, is an expression for AAAC of how our mission of promoting and examining the integration of Asian values, are entering the United States.
This is the first People of Color (POC) group meeting that attracted so many people on Sunday, October 9th.
POC group meeting during the Occupy Wall Street demonstration on October 9th. |
Another picture of the POC group meeting. This is where Bob Lee introduced himself, and suggested the creation of an POC Arts and Culture subgroup, and was thus made point person for this. When doing so, a reporter from Sing Tao caught his picture and published it the next day with an article having interviewed him on the spot.
Crowds are preparing at midnight as Mayor Bloomberg plans to evict them under the subterfuge of cleaning the park. His police action was expected in the early morning hours. Some are preparing to defend the park by getting arrested, others are backing them up in other ways. As we know now, this was an important victory for OWS. Their preparations paid off as the Mayor backed down. |
Some people are wearing the mask of a historic British figure who tried to destroy the parliamentary building there. It was widely seen here a few years ago in the film called "Vendetta" directed by the two brothers who made the trilogy on "Matrix". |
Tha night, all the books are in a huge pile tied up under many tarps with lots of signs to tell the police that the books are clean. |
Stacks of brooms and lots of wash pails. People are cleaning up and scrubbing the park pavement so much that the stones seemed to be turning white. |
This was the second POC meeting that Bob Lee attended on Wednesday, October 12th. |
POC meeting October 12th. |
Written by Lovely
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