Participating Artists: Hwa Hyun Kim, Kerry Ann Lee, Nung-Hsen Hu, and Xiaoqing Ding.

For the past several years, the Asian American Arts Centre has held a series of slide/art slams, allowing emerging artists the opportunity to present and talk about their work, meet and network with each other as well as with more established artists and critics/curators. Last year, the Centre hosted two slide slams, showcasing the work of nine artists working in various media.
On Friday, July 3rd, Asian American Arts Centre will be hosting the annual ART SLAM, showcasing the work of emerging Asian-American & Asia influenced artists.
Admission is FREE. EVERYONE is invited. This event is organized by Adliana Bahrin.
The ART SLAM Series is made possible in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency and from The New York Department of Cultural Affairs. The Asian American Arts Centre was founded in 1974 in New York City as a not-for-profit organization to address the distinctive concerns of Asian Americans in the United States. Its mission is to promote the preservation and creative vitality of Asian American cultural growth through the arts, and its historical and aesthetic linkage to other communities.