Asian American Arts Centre Presents: Marie Yoho Dorsey
August 8th to August 29st, 2008
Opening Reception: Fri August 8, 2008 from 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Marie Yoho Dorsey is an artist well trained for four years in the Japanese art of Ikebana. This has turned her skilled mind to the art of painting, the process of direct gravure, collage and installation to create delicate and masterful renderings on fabric. Her mystical journeys through landscapes and clouds capture the precious and ephemeral, despite the noise of the cities of New York and Florida where she lives.
Ikebana, as connected with Confucian practices of self-cultivation, is comprised of very traditional symbolism. Each flower and arrangement has specific meaning. Ikebana and and handicraft materials are historically identified with women's work. However, pushing beyond traditional symbolism and developing meaningful concepts that investigate new impressions in contemporary thought is her cha
Ms. Dorsey says: classical Japanese philosophy understands the basic human reality as impermanence. There is no conception of a stable 'Platonic' realm. Awareness of this fundamental spiritual idea/ metaphor is sometimes lamented but more often celebrated. It is no cause for nihilistic despair, but rather a call to vital activity in the present moment and gratitude for another moment granted to us.

"My work is a direct representation of an awareness of the world around me. I experience beauty as an emotion. All my materi
als have an ephemeral and a vulnerable quality to them. Ritual and contemplation are key elements to the work. Wonder and curiosity abo
ut the connections and associations which I entertain with the world around me inspire my image/ object making." Ms. Dorsey grew up in a bi-cultural family with a Japanese mother and American father. She was able to experience tradition and contemporary
culture and takes part in transplanting the art of Ikebana here. She says, "Where East meets West the ideas behind Ikebana are imbued with a different set of cultural and artistic values inherent to the culture it finds itself."
**NOTE: There will also be a panel talk with Marie Yoho Dorsey and Yeong Gil Kim where ideas of where tradition and contemporary meet will be discussed. August 8, from 5 until 7PM!** This event is FREE.
For more information on the Marie Yoho Dorsey exhibition, please go to our website at www.artspiral.org and look under "See What's New." Or find Asian American Arts Centre's page on Facebook.
This exhibition is organized by Robert Lee with the assistant of Adliana Bahrin. Asian American Arts Centre, Inc. is supported, in part with public funds from The New York State Council on the Arts, and The National Endowment for the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. With additional funding and support from Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 9.11 Fund, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Manhattan Mini Storage/Edison Properties Inc, Materials for the Arts, Pearl River Mart, United Orient Bank, New York Cosmopolitan Lions Club, Con Edison, the University of Hong Kong, Dedalus Foundation, The Nonprofit Finance Fund, WTC Business Recovery Fund, Expedi Printing, Inc., Jody and John Arnhold, Danny C.K. Li, Jeanne Lee Jackson, Linda Peng, Wing Lee Yee, John Yu, and the many generous friends of the Asian American Arts Centre.