Friday, November 11, 2011

A retirement party for Suki Terada Ports was held on September 29th, 2011, at the Japanese American Association (JAA), located at 15 W 44th Street in New York City.

Suki Terada Ports has been a community activist since the 1960s. She founded the Family Health Project (FHP) in 1980 to raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on communities of color. Almost two hundred people attended the retirement party as Suki’s friends and colleagues spoke at the party in celebration of her achievements.  

 Suki Ports, Cobi Narita of Jazz center of New York (bottom middle), Soki Lee (bottom left), and their friends. 

Suki and the city council women Margaret Chin (second from the left)

An old fun photo of Suki, shared at the retirement party.

The Master of ceremony (on the left) and the lady who gave Suki her workspace so that her organization could have a home (on the right).

Activist Gloria Steinem speaking at Suki's party.

A former colleague of Suki coming all the way from Boston to speak, telling stories that cannot be repeated here.

Suki’s childhood friend speaking. Each of the many speakers told us about different aspects of Suki's life, in this case, starting when she's three years old.

Suki gives the last speech of the retirement party.  I've never attended an event this amazing in so many respects, paying homage to our community activist mentors in such a loving and rewarding manner with so many celebrities and dear friends from many many years ago.  Several people flew out from the west coast to be here.  The flowers from the background were from an European florist.  There were individuals who organized this event are known to many, unfortunately not to me, but they should definitely be given credit. 

Audience including former mayor David Dinkins of New York City (second from the left).

The audience listens on as each guest speaker speaks.

If you missed Suki’s retirement party, you missed a wonderful and warm event, and a recounting of the history of the Asian American activism, hearing about Suki Ports and all that she have accomplished.  She was such a bold outspoken leader with more funny bones in her body than anyone else that we know.  Speak to someone who was there! 

Different Themes
Written by Lovely

Aenean quis feugiat elit. Quisque ultricies sollicitudin ante ut venenatis. Nulla dapibus placerat faucibus. Aenean quis leo non neque ultrices scelerisque. Nullam nec vulputate velit. Etiam fermentum turpis at magna tristique interdum.


  1. You know, sometimes it's a shame to realize how much impact a person has made to so many during the retirement party. It's somewhat wistful. Nonetheless, it's a moment of celebration. It's great to see so much enjoyment there - a glimpse of what her retired life would be, no?