“ 藝匯唐人街 “
Date: May 09-August 08.
Press Conference: Friday, May 8, 3pm
Opening Reception: Friday, May 14, 630-830PM
Site: Columbus Park, Chinatown, New York, NY
Artists: Nathalie Pham & Avani Patel
A special outdoor art event will occur in Columbus Park this Spring/Summer. To rally the community to come together and speak about their community. From children to seniors, in English & in Chinese, with images or without, this opportunity is for all to be heard. Especially welcome are those atuned to the decisions that face Chinatown and know that the future of Chinatown is in our hands. Their voice, ideas, and statements will be painted on panels 18x24” all around the outside gates of Columbus Park at a distance of 15-20 feet of each other. A total of about 70-80 panels will be up, Once a week the artists (and volunteers) will come in on the weekend to repaint some panels, and repaint new comments and thoughts on the panels. On the weekends an Open Day where the artists will attend the installation and invite community members to write down their comments on the panels. Read more at www.artspiral.org/new.html
Each panel will have an email address or phone where the community can email the artist their thoughts and comments to be posted the next week.
Volunteers are welcome to sign up and help to mount this extensive weekly effort by contacting Nat@npham.com or aaacinfo@artspiral.org
America’s Chinatown Voices
By Asian American Arts Centre
May 01, 2009
AAAC , AAAC Exhibition/Event , America's Chinatown Voices , Asian American , Education , New York City , Youth

Written by Lovely
Aenean quis feugiat elit. Quisque ultricies sollicitudin ante ut venenatis. Nulla dapibus placerat faucibus. Aenean quis leo non neque ultrices scelerisque. Nullam nec vulputate velit. Etiam fermentum turpis at magna tristique interdum.