Exhibition: Report From Japan by Go Nakamura, Canna Sasa, & Hiroaki Sasa
“Report from Japan” by Go Nakamura, Canna Sasa, Hiroaki Sasa
Location: Graphite. 38 Marcy Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Exhibition: July 29th - 31th, 2011
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 30th, 6pm-9pm
An exhibition 'Report From Japan' at Graphite. features works of photographers Go Nakamura, Canna Sasa, and Hiroaki Sasa, video artist's photographs and videos they had captured while providing volunteer work in Japan. The opening reception will follow with a talk by the artists. This is the report from the experiences at the scenes with real photos and videos images that are barely shared to us in NYC.
Canna Sasa, photographer and her husband Hiroaki Sasa, video artist went to the Tohoku area in Japan to do volunteer work from May 15-29, 2011.
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